A place where I can share the quotes that I have collected (and keep collecting) over the years. I have gathered them from all sorts of sources. The "Quote of the Day" posts will always be a quote from a book and may be on any topic.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Quotes for Valetine's Day

Some favorites from that old standby, Anonymous:

I ran up the door,
Opened the stairs,
Said my pajamas,
And put on my prayers.
Turned off my bed,
Tumbled into my light,
And all because you kissed me good night!


Although I conquer all the earth,
Yet for me there is only one city.
In that city there is for me only one house;
And in that house, one room only;
And in that room, a bed.
And one woman sleeps there,
The shining joy and jewel of all my kingdom.

"Although I Conquer All the Earth"
Anonymous Ancient India

Her love awaits me on the distant shore.
The river flows between us,
crocodiles on the sandbars.

Yet I plunge into the river,
my heart slicing currents, steady
as if I were walking.

Only love it is love
that gives me strength and courage
love that fords the river.

Anonymous Egyptian (15-105h C)

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